1. Name
- The name of the club shall be ‘Trident Sub Aqua Club’. The BSAC branch number is 363.
2. Object
- The object of the Club shall be to further all forms of underwater activities.
3. Management
- The management of the Club shall be vested in a general committee comprising of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Diving Officer, Equipment Officer, Membership Secretary and up to thirteen other members.
- The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Officer, Membership Secretary and other members are to be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. The Diving Officer will be appointed by the committee and the Training officer will be appointed by the Diving Officer.
- The general committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may occur on the general committee or co-opt any member.
- The names of current committee members will be published on the club facebook page.
- The committee may make additions, deletions and modifications to the Club rules as required. All members will be notified of any changes made to the Club rules by email.
4. Membership
- Full diving membership shall be available to any person over 18 who has achieved the BSAC Ocean Diver or higher qualification, including the equivalents from other recognised agencies (for example, PADI, SSI, SAA, ScotSAC, NAUI etc) and who has signed an online self-declaration medical declaration.
- Full diving membership shall be available to any person age 14 to 18 years who has achieved the BSAC Ocean Diver or higher qualification, including the equivalents from other recognised agencies (for example, PADI, SSI, SAA, ScotSAC, NAUI etc), whose parent / guardian is a paid member of BSAC and the Trident Sub Aqua Club and who has signed an online self-declaration medical declaration.
- All club members under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their parent / legal guardian on all club activities.
- The club and BSAC subscription fee shall be paid by direct debit.
- A category of distant membership is available for members of Trident Sub Aqua Club who have moved out of the locality and who wish to maintain links with the club. Such members will continue to be included in club membership lists and receive the club newsletter (when available), but will be required to pay pool fees on the occasions that they visit the branch. Distant members may participate in club dives subject to maintaining membership of BSAC or other recognised diving organisation.
- Members are to abide by the Diver’s Code of Conduct whilst on club activities. The Diver’s Code of Conduct is published on the BSAC website. Any member who disobeys the instructions of an organiser of a Club activity shall be subject to a report by the organiser to the general committee, who shall have the power to suspend or request his/her, resignation from the Club. If the member is one of the committee he/she will not be present at the enquiry unless requested by the committee.
- Social membership shall be subject to the approval of the general committee. Any persons aged 14 to 18 who wish to become social members and whose parent / legal guardian is a full diving member of the BSAC and the Trident Sub Aqua Club, may apply.
- Social members are not permitted on Club dives, and are not permitted to test or use SCUBA equipment in the pool.
5. Subscriptions / Fees
- The Club subscriptions for the year shall be fixed each year at the Annual General Meeting and will take effect immediately. In addition, BSAC subscriptions shall be payable at the levels in effect at the time of membership renewal.
- Subscriptions shall be paid by direct debit. The trident fees are paid over 10 months and the BSAC fee is paid annually.
- The subscriptions for membership to the Trident Sub Aqua Club and membership of the BSAC are published on the club facebook page.
- Visitors will be required to pay the pool fee published on the Club website at each session.
- Renewing diving members must have a valid medical self-declaration at the time of renewal or be certified as fit to dive by a medical referee. This must be completed each year.
- Any member whose subscriptions are overdue shall, after notification, forfeit membership and will be required to make a new application for re-joining. In addition to this he/she will not be permitted to participate in any Club activities.
- Payment of the membership fees shall be taken as agreement to abide by the Club rules.
6. Funds
- The Treasurer shall receive all monies on behalf of the Club. Disbursements from the Club funds shall be by direction of the general committee. The Treasurer shall submit an audited statement of accounts to the Annual General Meeting.
7. Meetings
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of October each year, to receive the annual report, the statement of accounts, to elect officers/ general committee and conduct other business as may be necessary.
- A quorum shall consist of five members.
8. Club Equipment
- Members are permitted to hire Club equipment for the fees listed on the club facebook page.
- All trainees are permitted to use the Club equipment free of charge for training purposes until they qualify as Ocean Divers.
- All members are responsible for filling Club cylinders that they have used for training or for open water diving.
- Cylinders must not be left in the equipment store with less than 50 Bar.
- Kit hire is to be paid for in advance and is not refundable unless diving has been cancelled by the organiser or due to adverse weather or ill health.
- All hire kit is hired on the basis that any loss or damage to kit should be replaced on a new for old basis by the person hiring it.
9. Training
- All training within the Club will conform to the current BSAC syllabus at the time of training. The syllabus will not be amended by Instructors in any circumstances.
10. Swimming Pool Hire
- Hire of a swimming pool for members to conduct training, skill refreshers, kit checks and other diving related activities, will be determined by member demand and is subject to availability and hire fees.
- Members wanting to use the swimming pool must submit their request to the Training Officer and give at least fourteen days notice. For safety, members wanting to use the pool must ensure that an appropriate number of suitably qualified members/instructors are available for the activities being undertaken. If in doubt, members should check the requirements with the Training Officer.
11. Open Water Diving
- All open water dives, except open water training dives accompanied by open water instructors, are subject to approval and scrutiny by the Diving Officer. The Diving Officer must be informed of, and agree, all club dives before they are undertaken.
- All diving shall be undertaken following the BSAC safe diving guidlines.
- All cylinders used by members on Club dives must be certified as safe by an approved testing station in accordance with BS: EN 1968 and 1802 regulations.
- Members are responsible for their own diving equipment and ensuring that it is serviced and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- On all open water dives, members will be required to wear a BCD, knife/cutter, alternative air source and any other safety equipment deemed necessary by BSAC rules, Diving Officer and dive manager.
- At the beginning of every new season, all members must complete an inland open water dive to review their core diving skills as required by the Diviing Officer. This dive can also be used to test / check their equipment. No members will be allowed to participate in sea dives until this qualifying dive has been completed and approved by the diving officer.
12. CRB Check
- In accordance with BSAC Byelaw 5) iv, members applying for membership of the Club give their permission for their criminal record to be checked through the Criminal Records Bureau.
13. Interpretation
- The answer to any question which may arise as to the interpretation of these rules shall be decided upon by the general committee.
14. Contingencies
- Any contingencies which may arise and are not covered by these rules shall be decided by the general committee.
15. Indemnity
- While every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of members, the Club cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for personal loss or injury.
Club Website: https://tridentsac.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tridentsubaqua
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tridentsubaqua
Updated: October 2021